Very dissapointing game :*(

User Rating: 1 | SimCity PC
I'm taking the server issues completely aside, cause IMO just this one thing should result in the closure of this worthless games corporation called EA / Maxis. /they simply cheated their clients, and than couldnt even say sorry, but instead where lying that all is ok and about how hard they were trying (doing nothing cause nothing happend).

I wonder what have they been doing all these years. Lots of bugs, cities are very small, no new options vs old games, very little content in general, no real single player mode with challenges, playing with random people online is pure nonsense -> probability rate of finding people that want to cooperate with you or wont leave the game after couple hours is less than winning a lottery. Much much worse than previous titles.
I'm afraid that this is one more proof that big-old games studios are bound to fail in a couple years max together with their lovely and cool corporations that bought them and got rid of any human touch, and real-life proffesionalism anywhere near their business.