Unbelievable, on-line DRM must die!

User Rating: 2 | SimCity PC
You can think that a game like this should be good but all the unfortunate fellows that paid and pre-ordered this game (which isn't cheap, not forgetting to mention that this was suppose to be a gold mine for EA with all the planned DLCs) and in the end couldn't even log-on and play! (the fortunate ones probably played an hour or two in the end)

This game looks good but was simplified too much, price too high, DRM and on-line all the time, who knows.. maybe in the end EA will shut down the service and then you paid for a service (instead of purchasing a legitimate game to play for years!) which won't work the minute it won't be "worthwhile" for EA..

They should have made if free-to-play and you pay only for DLCs and service (monthly subscription or something) than I will understand..

EA - you dug your own grave with this one!