A waste of time and space. Not worth even thinking about buying, unless you enjoy....

User Rating: 1.5 | Silverfall PC
REALLY BAD GRAPHICS - I think they use the comic book look excuse as a cover up gimmick. Not only do the characters and environs look like they were drawn by a badly trained and tripping monkey amputee, but all of the things like the life, special abilities and gear interfaces are beyond ridiculously simple and bland.
ALL TOO SIMPLE COMBAT - this goes far into the void of idiocy and in the few games I played they didnt even attack my companions. I was a hackin and a slashin, hackin and slashin.....no skill, no battle strategy...nothing.
WORSE THAN GOTHIC AT FINDING YOUR WAY - the mini map is almost no help at all
CAMERA - appalling, simply appalling

After playing Oblivion and Neverwinter Nights 2,...wait...maybe I should have played this game a good 10 years ago. I am sure it would have been quite mediocre then.

I could go on, but even writing about this is a waste of time.