It has the right idea, the execution is just not that good.

User Rating: 6.6 | Silverfall PC
I really wanted to like this game from the first time I started reading the previews. It sounded great and we really needed another good Diablo like game (seriously). After I played the demo, I had a bad feeling, and I said well maybe the retail will be better, its not.

Silverfall leaves me with that longing feeling I get when I play other "not quite as good as Diablo games". It's fair, but just not good enough. There are just too many better games out there right now to keep this one on my hard drive. This game will collect dust with the other "almost" games like Sacred and Titan Quest.

Good points:
-neat graphics and fantasy setting.

Bad points:
-Camera control - it always feels like work to get the best view, and I can never quite get to a good vantage point of the battle or upcoming danger.
-Combat - there is no feeling to it, i just click attack or spells and watch things die... I like meaty hits you can feel like in Oblivion, I want to feel the life being pounded out of my foes.
-Map system - its just bad, it does not have enough detail, I would like it to be more flexible. Let me move it around, resize it and such.
-NPC Interaction - I had a very difficult time trying to find vendors who I could sell things too. In these games you need to constantly run back to town and sell loot, its difficult in Silverfall because I cannot easily see the merchant NPCs until I get right up on them. You also cannot see them on the map, would have been a nice touch to add.

So overall, I give it just a fair rating and most certainly to be uninstalled from my hard drive before the month is out. If you are waiting for the next great Diablo clone/action rpg this is not it. Stick with Titan Quest, Sacred or Dungeon Siege until we get something better.