A game with a nice looking art style but fails to come across as a worthwhile RPG.

User Rating: 5.2 | Silverfall PC
Some people think because a game has a different artstyle that it has bad graphics. Games like Okami and Silverfall prove them wrong with a unique art design and graphics that still look decent. While this is apparent Silverfall otherwise is pretty much your cookie cutter RPG.

Bunch of Skills.Check.
Lots of skill branches.Check.
Fantasy Characters.Check.
Main Story Dillema. Check.
See Silverfall has the needed RPG elements but it just doesn't use them to give the player a enjoyable experience.

When you die in Silverfall you lose ALL of your items. Yup. And you don't pay to get them back. No you have to go back to the spot where you died, Naked and still lethal creatures attacking you, and pick your inventory up. The only way to avoid this annoying process is to pay a large sum of life insurance, which is pretty lame.

Everything else such as gameplay, constant click combat, and story progression is average. With all the faults, annoying features, and average gameplay elements added up Silverfall is just your run-of-the-mill Action RPG that doesn't bring anything memorable to the table.