Fun to play, has its ups and downs.

User Rating: 8 | Silverfall PC
Been playing the game for a few days now. Definitely some frame rate issues, and had some issues where fast travel would take me to the wrong place, but other than that, I have been enjoying this game very much. The world is pretty big, and pretty at that. Navigating around the game can become difficult, but in open areas this game shines. I play a techie fighter, and I have a blast just hacking and slashing. The npc's on your team are smart and heal you just right, and attack what you attack, enemy AI is usually pretty good, archers will run to get some distance and whatnot. There are usually fast travel spots in just the right locations so you never have to run too far, but you can if you want. Loading times aren't very long. Hunting for items is always fun as well.
Plays very similar to Diablo 2, even down to the mouse configuration. Generally a fun game.