So close, yet so far.

User Rating: 6.7 | Silverfall PC
If you're a fan of Diablo style gameplay, this is about the closest you can come to a third-part to the Diablo series. This is, however, the upside and the downside.

The story line, which is basic, to say the least, is poorly told and will mostly be revealed to you through reading numerous text conversations. You will find little voice acting in this game, though this is not a bad thing, it would be nice to see a little more, especially from the hero. Which, by the way, has a terrible case of prophetic hero syndrome. And by this, I mean, that the hero is very flat and unbelievabl as the hero makes comments like "It doesn't matter, we have to help them!". Though you will (rarely) be given a choice of what to say, it rarely makes much difference as to the outcome of the storyline.

The gameplay is rather boring. Much like diablo, you will use the mouse to move your character around the screen and there is no option to change this, so you had better get used to it. You will spend the entire game pointing and clicking, and once you get 2 party members to aid you, you'll really just be watching as your character blasts away or hacks away the enemy. There is little strategy involved.
Although the game employs the same item-drop system as Diablo, in that you get items with randomly generated stats, you'll find that there are fewer variations that you'd expect and continuously equipping all 3 characters can become quite tedious as there is no "Best-equip" option. In addition, though you must update your party members equipment by yourself, you will be unable to adjust their stats, and they will grow however the game designers saw fit.

The graphics are great and terrible at the same time. The graphics certainly look nice, with realistic character animations and water reflections. However, it is evident that the designers used a high amount of polygons and high quality texture maps, which can, in first person mode, bring even top end computers to their knees. Overall, this game really could've been so much more if it included a little more strategy here and there. Perhaps, with a few more updates, it'll be something worth playing. But for now, unless you really need a Diablo fix, I'd say it's safe to pass up.