Silverfall plays like a broken piano; it's very frustrating, but you really want to play it.

User Rating: 6 | Silverfall PC
Since Diablo 2, I have been waiting for that modern dungeon hack-n-slash game that was addicting and fun to play just like Diablo. Silverfall is as close as I've seen, and it's only a few hundred bug fixes away from being that one game to finally replace good old Diablo.

Unfortunately, and it's been some time, the game doesn't play much better. Traveling is cumbersome and confusing, especially since some of the quest map markers (especially the important ones) don't always correctly show where you need to go. It's hard to determine the strength of enemies, dying too often is really frustrating because you have to go find your body which is usually in that mob of enemies that just killed you.

If I am not dying too often, and the quests are working, it can be an enjoyable game. The problem is, all motivation for playing game ceases when you find a quest bug, or you die.

Gameplay: Too frustrating to play continuously, my wife noted that she's never seen me so angry at a game before! The dynamic camera is cool, but it would have played much easier if it was a static bird's eye view or over-the-shoulder. Worrying about the camera and movement at the same time is cumbersome.

Sound: The sound is quite good, and expected for each area. Jungles sound like jungles and so on. Spells and attacks sound good, enemies and monsters sound appropriate.

Graphics: The graphics are great, reflective water, lush canopy in jungle areas, make you feel like you are really treading through the environment. Plenty of diversity, lots of different looking enemies and spells. Cell shading can be turned off for extra performance or if you just don't like it.

Bottom line: Silverfall could have been the Diablo replacement many people have been waiting for, but the myriad of bugs and the cumbersome gameplay make it unbearable to play any longer.