Great looking game, which is fun at first, but its charm quickly vanishes as you play on

User Rating: 5.1 | Silkroad Online PC
This game at first, seems like its a fun, awsome, FREE mmo, but as you progress into the game, it starts to lose its spark..

There isnt MANY charater customization, but who really cares what your charater looks like, right?

As far as stat's, theres 2 main stats to up.. strenthgh, and mp, some ppl might like this, nice easy, but, i like to have many stats to mess around with. There are not many skills, and you should only master two classes of them, so once again, not much variety, and you will find your self doing the same spells over and over, since it takes forever to be able to larn new ones. So the charater creation, in my opion, is kina blan, not much to mess around with.

The worst part is, there isnt much to do, you go out grind and grind and grind, level, up ur strenth and mp, add one to ur skill mastery, grind grind grind. Of course theres quests, but the quest mainly consist of, GRINDING, one of the quests is, kill 200 bandits. Pretty inovative huh? Some quests have you collect items from animals, now every time you kill an animal, they wont drop it, so lets say its collect 200 tiger skins, you might find your self killing 20 tigers befor getting one skin. Most of the quests just repeat, but then with differnt animals. There is a thing called alchamy in this game, where you can break certin items down, and get elements, which you can mix with tablets to upgrade wepons/armors. You wont find your self useing this much, since you need ALOT of elemnts to do this, usally yyour better off just selling the tablet. There isnt much wepon varaty, theres pretty much one spesific wepon for every other u cant really show off to every one the stuff u got since they will prlly get it too once they are ur level. The pet system isnt very interesting, and you wojtn deal with it for a loooong time. Leveling takes forever after about lv 10, so you will find you self grinding and grinding and grinding, just for one level. After level 20 however, you can become a thief trader or hunter. This again is fun at first, but then becomes old fast.

The worst part this game is the comunity.
Most ppl who play this game are complet A** Wipes, and you will find your self getting kill stealed over adn over and over, cuase remember they to grind too! People will always take the time to steal your kill, but will never take the time to revive you, some ppl will even ask for money.

this game can be fun if you have nothing to do, for the rest fo your life, but over all i would aviod this game.

The good:Good Graphics, some of the skills are kinda neat, for some reason its kinda addicting, later in the game it offers a new feature, to keep in u interested, but only for alittle. FREE. Easy, big land to explore.

The Bad:HORRIBLE COMUNITY. Grinding, not much of a charater development system, not much to do in the game, gets old fast.