good online RPG

User Rating: 9.2 | Silkroad Online PC
one of the best, if not the best, free2play MMORPG. Graphics look very very nice and you get it for free! I like the way Joymax made leveling and skills. Because it's up to player who they want to be and you dont have to choose your build at the very beggining of the game. I mean, you can become whoever you want as you play, blader, spearman, healer, mage or tanker, etc. however you have to decide if you go full int, or full str , or hybrid, before doing anything as you cannot redistribute your stat points. There are lots of skills, and because of huge skill points reqs later on, you cant have all of them (theorically you can, but not practically). so this makes all players even more distinctive, as you can choose what skills you need/want. oh, and about leveling. no, it dont take long to reach lvl 23. you can reach it in 5 days or so. but there's "but". if you level fast, you get less SP's. in other words, you get much level exp, you get only little skill points exp. these amounts are determined by the gap between lvl and skill mastery lvl. and to my opinion, it depends on what kind of player you are when choosing this gap. if you are hardcore player and want to PvP alot, then you might want to maintain 9 gap and SP farm. but if you play just for plain fun, it might be better to maintain 3-4 gap all the time. weapons. there are many many of them. even though for e.g. all degree 4 swords will look the same, but they will have different names and stats. if you are lucky or rich, you can use SOS, SOM or SOSUN weapons, which have beautiful glow and are very strong. alchemy (enchanting system) is another thing i like about SRO. because there's a lilttle chance to lose item after failing, at least at low lvls, and there are attributes which can help enchant your weapon or at least not to lose it after failing. other games lacks this, and if you fail, you lose item instantly. i think the most original and exciting thing in SRO is jobs. you can be a trader, hunter or thief. However, ant lower lvls, its better to be a trader, like since lvl 20 to lvl 35. becauce if you choose for e.g. thieving, i dont think youll be very succesful. just because of high lvl hunter wandering around. they dont mind to one-hit lvl 20 thief and they dont care that you have done nothing to them. The same if you are hunter. any high lvl thief will one-hit you on sight. so its logical i think to be hunter/thief at lvl 35+ especially if you spent lots of time SP farming. PvP is also fun, as it is in other games i think. just put any color cape in events slot, and go to gates of any city. you'll find someone to fight at any time i think, so if you are bored of killing mobs, PvP.
nobody's perfect, and no game is perfect, but SRO have more pluses than minuses i think, and if you like MMORPG,