a little about silkroad my fav. mmorpg

User Rating: 9.3 | Silkroad Online PC
Well welcome to my review of sro, Frist its still a beta so not even half the game is done so dont worrry about lag its just beta. lags real bad right now becuz of spring brake but will stop over the next week. Its the best of guildwars , WoW,L2, and other mmo's my fav. and its free so hahaha wow players. Pets only one so far but more comeing soon. lvl are not easy but not to hard to gain. just do the quest and join a guild so you have some ppl to help when you need it . no bots if you bot i will find out and have you killed plus its hard to bot since it has nprotect but i have seen ppl do it. well i give it a 10 out of 10 hope you like it more to come soon from DMGirl on xian server and Chase_619 on aege server. thnxs