Redefines free MMORPG

User Rating: 9.1 | Silkroad Online PC
Gameplay: Well, first off, the game’s totally free, so that’s a major plus. Gaming-wise, begins by offering a moderately-wide range selection of character that you can pick from. The customization in the beginning is quite plentiful. I personally like the “No-PVP-Until-Level-20” rule; mainly because there will be no n00b bashing; but some people might get tired of waiting that long. An interesting aspect I saw in the game is the class system. You still level by killing monsters and such, but there are no “pre-determined classes.” By that, I mean you can be a mixture of things. Say an archer who also has the ability to use healing magic (or force as they call it in this game). You can mix and match until you find what you like.

Graphics: I’ll be honest; I was surprised to see how nice it was. Though the characters aren’t amazingly detailed, I think they did an excellent job for a free game. But when you take a closer looks at certain things, the graphics kind of starts to reveal its flaw. For instance, when you look at the leaves hanging on a tree at a certain angle, you can see that it was only 2D. But other than the minor flaws, the graphics are simply amazing.

Sound: Unfortunately, they don’t offer much variation in this department. It’s just the simple grunts you hear from your character when they attack, or the scream of an enemy dying, and so on. There are some environmental sound effects, such as insect and birds chirping, but I personally turned it off since it was repetitive and very… annoying to the ears. There isn’t much music, but that isn’t a major issue. Overall, the sounds are quite simple.

Value: Definitely worth it. I mean, who can say no to free stuff, right?

- *FREE*, lol
- definitely a good MMORPG for its price
- controls are similar to other MMORPG, so it’s easy to learn
- has its own in-game tutorial while you play for those beginners
- interesting class system
- and other things that I can’t think off on the top of my head right now

- it’s sometimes hard to get into a server especially during peak hours due to overcrowding
- gets a little laggy when you’re in town since too many people set up stalls to sell stuff; needs to boot out people who are idle since others might want to get in

Final words: Try it out and see if you like it, after all, there are no obligations, and who knows; you might get hook on it.