Great Graphics, Kinda Buggy

User Rating: 7 | Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific PC
I love alot of the visual effects! The attention to detail is wonderful and the difficutly playing realistically gives you a great feeling about how difficult it was to command a submarine. There are some bug issues that I find are annoying. The sound system tends to mess up a bit and the game mysteriously crashes occasionally. But get through that and you have a great game! An immersive experience, I especially love watching the enemy ships go down, hehehehe....

Anyway, I found the AI to be a little stupid and the use of thermal layers way too easy. However, there's a certain satisfaction to putting a couple of torps in an aircraft carrier or a battleship. If you want fast paced action, dont bother with this game. This game takes ALOT of patience. Now back to my games becasue I pretty well suck at writing reviews.