Almost perfect submarine game

User Rating: 9 | Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific PC
Having played submarine simulations since the first Silent Hunter, this is definitely the best of the bunch. I have only one complaint, so I'll get that out of the way now. Even with time compression, it takes too long to get from one place to another. I've spent hours just watching the clock turn waiting to get to a waypoint with nothing going on. If it wasn't for that, this game would be 10. The graphics are absolutely top-notch and the sound is incredibly realistic. The way ships will eventually sink if damaged enough is a very cool touch and I think it's better here than in SH3. When you are actually engaging the enemy, this game gets tense very fast. Trying to get a good firing angle without getting spotted by the destroyers, getting off your torpedoes, then trying to escape makes for some very tense (and satisfying!) gaming. The controls are complicated, but with practice they become second nature. That was kind of unavoidable in a sim this detailed, but the execution is excellent. I highly recommend this game if you have any interest in submarine sims at all. However, to see this game in all it's glory, you better have a pretty good system, at least a dual core.