As i said almost but not quite

User Rating: 7.5 | Silent Hill: Origins PS2
A lot of fun and entertaining puzzles,good graphics for the gen it is,a lot of weapons including firearms and meeles,not so hard for a horror game
Easy gameplay and you are not able to choose it,you can always avoid battles except the bosses and that makes all the game as a speedrun,Ive seen those kind of monsters before in Suffering so I don't know which part stole the ideas or they made a deal to be the same,and the last strange ending without any sense.
Ok this is my first review.I hope u will like it.

So I completed yesterday Silent Hill Origins.It was an easy game and you cant change it cuz there's no such thing as difficulty mode.Im gonna say u.During all the game that was something like 8 hours playing I only gamed over once and that was because I was tired of running and tried to kill a huge monster only with my fists.It failed of course.


So all the game start with this the main character Travis Grady driving with his truck taking a shortcut by Silent Hill.There he sees a hooded figure like a girl and drops off from his truck.Some fog is on the street and u have to make that on foot.By that time credits start and a ballad song starts and that makes u think is some kind of a romantic game.Than he sees a house burning.You have to go there and save a girl.After ur both out Travis pass out and wakes up at Silent Hill.There he starts his searching for the girl he saved.
First at the game there are no monsters and u can travel the street with no fear. These stops when he goes to a hospital and there he sees a monster nurse approaching him.
Of course he kills her and than the horror starts.
He finds that he can travel between worlds: The peaceful Silent Hill to the nightmare world you can see only in your worst dreams.He can do that by touching mirrors which seem to be cursed cuz the reflection is wrong.
Travis starts to discover all the nightmares of Silent Hill to find that girl.He first goes to Helmida Hospital ummm I cant recall now that and kills only monster nurses cuz other monsters will come later.At the end he have to fight something like bag monster which drops a pyramid when hes dead.A healed version of the girl comes out taking the pyramid from Travis and passing him out.After a little while I understood she can come out only in the nightmare world cuz she is trapped there.He then wakes up at that hospital seeing a nurse called Lisa asking him if hes okay.He tell her that's hes okay and than Lisa leaves and u have to go out from that hospital.Than u will have your map marked with a circle to go to Cedar Grove Sanatorium.
During the way he finds a monster called The Butcher killing the monster nurse.After playing a little of the game I think he kills those monsters that fail to kill Travis.
Anyway he leaves that monster and enter to Cedar Grove.He finds there girls mother talking like its crazy saying that Travis should have left the girl burning.Travis thinks shes crazy and than she leaves.He than discovers all Cedar Grove. For me it was fun with all those puzzles that were there.
He discovers a monster with the voice of her mother calling him to approach her.Travis fights her and than she also drops a pyramid which is than taken by the girl and Travis passing out.He wakes up at Cedar Grove and understands he have to go to the theater for other information.
Theres nothing interesting at the theater only some notes explaining how the monsters were created.You will understand that playing the game.As always he kills the boss,the pyramid drops and the girl takes it by making Travis pass out.After this point, I though the game was getting boring with that monotony and predictable story.But after that only one ummm "discovering area" was left so I was glad that that game was ending there.
The final area is River Side Hotel where he stood there with his family in his childhood.He discovers there that his father Robert killed himself broken hearted by his wife Helen after she was possessed by that monster going crazy.He kills there The Butcher and his monster father taking the pyramids and making a whole new piece which than released the girl cuz she was trapped in the nightmare world.
He than finds some people including girls mother and a doctor named Kaufmann and some hooded figures making a ritual over burned girls body.He tries to stop that, but he pass out from a gas they throw to him.Maybe in his dreams I don't know where he has to fight against one last monster and if he wins he will than activate the pyramid.
The pyramid will than take the soul of the girl inside of itself ending the game.
After that there are 3 ending game alternatives.Ive seen completing the game only the good one but I saw others at Youtube.
The good: Travis leaves Silent Hill entering in his truck by turning it on and than sees the girl in the mirror smiling and saying thank u to him non hooded and with a teddy bear on her hands. He drives off Silent Hill and the game ends by some voices in kinda radio talking about something. I didn't understood that at all but I heard there was girls mother and doctor talking. That's why I call it strange.
The bad: Travis is tighten up to a hospital chair trying to release himself. Than a strange guy come with a syringe on his hands and tries to inject that to Travis.Travis screams and that's where it ends.
Alien ending: I don't know if that is some kinda parody or something but that ending is with some aliens by taking Travis with them when he tries opening a hotel door.

Gameplay and Music
All gameplay is something mixed between horror,a lot of puzzles and monster fighting with anything u find on the street.

Monster fighting is easy cuz u can run away from those monsters and that makes the game like a speedrun.It should have been something like Devil May Cry or something where there's a magic barrier stopping u to proceed any further until u have defeated all the monsters in that area but whatever its their game not mine. Monster are easy to kill u just shot them 2 times with the shotgun and and than finish them off with your foot.Of course bosses are harder but not impossible. They need some extra shots with firearms and some heavy things throwing at them.

Horror is when u travel through worlds and the scariest is the nightmare world cuz there is blood and monsters everywhere.The music takes a part in horror too cuz its like a drum playing a scary music all the time.If u don't want to have nightmares from this game I suggest you turning this game's music off leaving only sound effects like shotgun,monsters,running noise u know and listening to some music that u have on your ipod or computer whatever. At least this is what did. Thanks Silent Hill but I have my own nightmares to worry about.

Puzzles makes the game fun and not boring and addictive but sometimes they become so lame.Like u cant take something that's in a 3 feet or 1 meter pool with clear water.You have to switch between worlds and fight some monster to dry the water.Thats lame but we can skip that can't we. A lot of times u have to take notes for the puzzles cuz there are a lot of things going on and u cant remember a thing. This makes the game fun and its like doing your homeworks for that game haha. Puzzles are creative like with the washing machine that u have to work with it in some ways that only your mom knows how.
Some are lame as I said.
And in some u just have to have luck like with a rolling calendar.I just tried some possible ways of that being right and it worked after 4 tries.

Map is a very valuable thing in this game cuz u will be lost easily without that and u will be dead within a minute if u don't know where to go. All the game I opened my map 558 times I know its too much but it makes the game easier.If u can stand without seeing it, gameplay will be harder and u will get some extra bonuses in the end so good for u.

Menu is the last thing in that game.Its very valuable using your items,reloading your firearms when your out of bullets and switching fast between weapons if u don't have a right one for that monster.It also have the place for notes u take during the game. They are too much and they're just a way to understand game better and telling you how to solve some puzzles during the game.The last thing from it is that u can change ur game options except difficulty of course and u can heal yourself if a monster injures you.

So my last words for Silent Hill Origins are: That's a great game with fun and horrow all u need from a game but its too short,easy and has a strange ending.Maybe they will explain it in the future series of that game.All I can say is this game is only 50% worth money so take it from a friend or rent it cuz buying it isn't a good idea.At least this is what I did at all. Anyway my opinion for this game skipping the part it's short are thumbs up. This closes my review

Well that was all for Silent Hill Origins game. Hope I explained it good enough and everyone liked my review. Until my next one see ya people. Take care.