It's not particularly spine-chillingly scary but it sure is one hell of a game!

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill: Origins PSP
Silent Hill Origins.

First I want to get this straight, I have played none of the previous games. Most other people who have played the previous games have given this low ratings because they are comparing it instead of looking at it as a seperate game which is how I am going to review it.

What I cannot stress enough is that the in game graphics, lighting and level of detail is superb! It's fascinating how a portable game's graphics could be of such a high standard.

Throughout the game you will follow a strict, unique and very dark storyline.
There are all sorts of strange enemies, some of which are faceless nurses.
The entire setting is creepy but although at first, you will get slightly freaked out when you run through a door and are confronted with a zombie nurse, the fear factor will quickly decreases when you begin to fight one in almost every corridor, room or street.

Throughout the game, you will pick up all sorts of items which can be used as weapons. Some are very cliche while others are less predictable, eg: Portable radios and coat stands.
On the whole, the arsenal of weapons you can create is dangerously funny.
Unfortunately, this applies also for combat which consists of you equipping an item slowly and painfully from the start screen and then mashing the 'attack' button repetitively until either your enemy falls to the ground or the weapon breaks and you must go back to the dreaded start screen to equip another weapon. Once your zombie nurse is on the ground you must either stamp on them or take a final blow with your weapon, if you fail to do this in time they will get straight back up and get back at you with full health again!
Basically, combat is no more than mashing one button unless your weapon breaks (which happens more than frequently) and then you must temporarily abandon gameplay to choose a new weapon. This gets very irritating but makes you so relieved when you get decent firearms (until the bullets run out).

There is no visible health bar for your character or enemies which, although is rather misleading, serves a game of this genre well.

Level design is just mind blowingly fantastic and once you travel between parallel worlds, they look disturbingly different!
As if the regular world wasn't scary enough, the parallel one has bloodstained walls, rusted and damaged furniture and more enemies lurking about!
By changing worlds you can also access different locations/rooms but can also lose access to others.

The controls are not much of a problem, sometimes they are a little simplistic but no one's really complaining.

The camera follows you well and can be adjusted in game but in some rooms it has a fixed views which you cannot change which can although be irritating at times, works well to build up suspense.

Sound effects are overrused at times but in most cases in this game they are clear and always there, tracking your moves and activating.
The music is perfect! The game wouldn't be half as creepy without the great soundtrack. A good game always needs good music to back it up.

There is more to the game including puzzle solving, some of which could baffle you for ages but eventually you will see how the answer was right before your eyes all along.

Unfortunately the story is quite short but the replay value is fairly good because of the three alternative endings and new unlockable features!

I conclude that the game will appeal to many, especially those who have played games like any of the 'Resident Evil' collection.
I would recommend it to anyone really, but just note that there are a few 'annoyances' in the game which tend to have a habit of popping up when you least want them to occur.
Overall, it is a great game and deserves to be appreciated.

Review by Pokolvrolok
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