Silent Hill Origins is a brilliantly fun and scary game that is unfortunately dragged down by clumsy and sloppy gameplay

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill: Origins PS2
Overall, Silent Hill Origins is a brilliantly fun and scary game that is unfortunately dragged down by clumsy and sloppy gameplay. And this incredibly brief review will sum the game up.

It is by far, in my opinion, the scariest of all of the Silent Hill games along side SH2, making me actually gasp at times, or making me squint while turning some corners hoping nothing will pop out. Monsters were amazingly improved 'scary' wise, and the noises couldn't have been more eerie.

Origins for the PS2 is your typical PS2 game. Graphics are generally above average for its time, but now, they seem to be stuck in the past. This, however, was no worry, because the game was good enough in its terrifying atmosphere to distract from any graphical upsets.

Sound in this game was absolutely superior and couldn't have been improved. Simple as that. I've never been so nervous simply from sounds in any other horror game I've played.

Smooth gameplay is what this game mostly lacked. For starters--literally--the player will notice the one second delay from when they hit the run button, to when Travis actually runs. The battle stance was also a wreck at times. The new punching was quite nice, but the painful delays between swings of melee weapons was enough to allow those enemies to make a blow. Not to mention the times where Travis will freeze in the middle of swinging his instruments. But the new weapon system was a huge plus.

This game is a must for fans of the series, and if you are even mildly into the series, it will not dissapoint if you're looking for a good scare.