Silent Hill 4: The Room? or Silent Hill 2 expansion?

User Rating: 7.5 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PS2
Silent Hill 4 wasn't made by the makers of the first 3 Silent Hills, so don't expect the same type of game.

Story: Interesting. This is the story of a man trapped in his apartment like the reporter before him. As you progress through the game you learn about Walter Sullivan and his killings. The reason I called this an expansion for two was because A, it doesn't take place in Silent Hill but the neighboring town of South Ashfield and B, Walter Sullivan was an idea from the second game who you hear "hacked them into pieces." It is fun to learn about all those murders though.

Gameplay: Nice. You travel through the apartment in first person and play the different levels in third person. You crawl through holes scattered through out the game to transport between the apartment and the levels. Some times the controls do get a little weird after playing previous Silent Hill titles. The combat is severely improved because I never miss when I am hitting something. Dragging Eleen along does get cumbersome after a while because she is so slow. Also you play through almost every level twice.

Graphics: Could be better. Some of the textures are bland and the environments don't have the signature Silent Hill spooky atmosphere.

Replay: Minimal. Some of the levels are boring and uninteresting and you have to play through most of them twice, so there is the replay for you.
