Dont bother

User Rating: 5 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PC
I played this game for an hour and felt no incentive to carry on with it. The game makes a terrible first impression with a very weak beginning in the characters apartment which doesnt actually look very good. Then as I proceeded further, the disjointed and nonsensical plot failed to pull me in. Unrealistic and daft character acting didnt help either. The washed out graphics also detract a lot from the atmosphere and make no use of light and shadow to instill any feelings of dread.

Silent Hill 4 manages to lose all the tension and atmosphere that the previous games had. The fact that the combat system and controls in general are a mess doesnt help in the slightest. I was expecting something really good with this game and yet it seems the franchise has seriously gone downhill.

I came to this game straight from playing Penumbra: Overture and Penumbra: Black Plague which are fantastic games and seriously raised my standards for horror games. I actually felt scared while playing those games! They make Silent Hill 4 look like a piss-poor arcade game......which is basicly what it is. I didnt feel the slightest bit immersed in this game. All I felt was boredom.