Henry bringing a better combat to Silent Hill, but loses some of the scares and mystery.

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PS2
Okay, first thing you should be aware of; throughout this whole game, you do NOT go to Silent Hill. If you are just getting this game to revisit everyone's favourite damned town, you will be highly dissapointed. That said, if you want a game with great enviroments, characters, and amazing graphics, then consider Silent Hill 4 a good buy, or at least a rental.

Gameplay: If you've played the other earlier Hills, you should know what to expect. Alternating camera to see what is going on, and a character that runs in a silly manner. However, they made gameplay a bit better in this one, for one, the monsters are a bit more challenging. Also, you have a limited inventory, which leads to the best point of SH4, the room. You can save, switch inventory, and so on in your room. You also heal here, for now. However, as the game goes on, your room gets possessed, and freaky stuff goes down to say the least. This is where you get some good scares. Also, the room is in first person; have fun.

Storyline: Based around the character mentioned occasionally in Silent Hill 2 as a villain, seems like the 'dead' Walter is up to no good again. Henry was chilling at his apparentment, doing typical SH protaganist things; like standing akwardly, speaking slowly, and peeking at his neighbor through a hole in the wall. BUT SUDDENLY: Things go awry when you find your door all locked up, and you have to solve this mystery by crawling into multiple spooky-kooky places through holes in the wall! There was a hole here, it's gone now.

Sound: The music is fantastic. On par with three. Sound effects need work. Some enemies were freaky sounding, but not enough. The only enemy that really scared me was the twin victim. Two-headed claw babies never fail to raise the hair on the back of my neck.

Content Warning: For you sensitive players, this game is the most violent of all the Silent Hills. Rooms are soaked with blood, bodies are chopped up, etc etc. You aren't fighting Silent Hill, but a merciless serial killer right out of a slasher flick, only creepier. Language is mild, and sexual content is not too objectional. Probably the cleanest Silent Hill. Unfortunately, the game isn't scary enough, which is a shame, as good scares mixed with the better combat would make for a greater game.

Overall: I give this game an 8, it's great, but could be better. I would suggest buying it if you are a Silent Hill fan or a survival horror fan.