Silent Hill 4: The Room is great a least rent it to see what it's like.

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill 4: The Room PS2
Silent Hill 4:The Room is said by many that it is the worst Silent Hill game in the series and stuff like that, I've even heard a few people say that it was the biggest disappointment ever. I can say that after playing SH3 I did have really high hope and that SH4 did fall a little short but I still like it and it should be experienced by anyone who like's horror games.

In Silent Hill 4 you play as a young man named Henry Townshend, who has been locked in his apartment room 302, in South Ashfield. He's been locked there for five day's not being able to communicate with any one what so ever. Then a hole forms in your bathroom wall Henry enters it that's when you go through these worlds that look like Silent Hill. SH4 has got a good story to it play it find out more.

The graphics are great which they have always been they get better whit each game. The designs with the world are nicely done and the monsters designs are basically at there best. The facial designs on the characters are probably what looks the best. The sound is once again great with the music and stuff making for a better and scarier atmosphere.

Overall Silent Hill 4 is great not the best in the series but it isn't the worse either. So yea I'd say check it out maybe rent it to see how good you like it. Konami did take it in a different direction with SH4 but some people will like some want its that way with just about any game.