One of the best stories ever told in gaming history...

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut PC
StoryrnI gotta say even though i didnt expect much,the story blow me away,its very emotional and fits soo good with the atmosphere of the game,it really makes u want to finish the game in one go. Even after finishing the game i was still thinking about the story, so this is called "Art"!rnrnGameplayrnThe gameplay is average, the camera can get litlle tricky,but when u get used to it its not bothering much.There are some creepy moments,but the game is more based on story telling.rnrnGraphicsrnI gotta say i was not expecting that good graphics,whoever says that the graphics are bad they dont understand it enough. First off the models are done awesome for that year,textures(visual in other word) are great it gives the game that creepy feeling.What really amazed me were the shadows,they are done so good and are really realistic.So the graphics doesn't looks bad 10 years later,even though the engine is old.rnrnMusicrnAkira Yamaoka is great artist the music is great,he wanted to evoke emotion from the player with the music and he done fair job with it,i still sometimes listen to music from the game.Sound effects really pump up the creepy atmosphere from creepy footsteps to creepy monster sounds.