
User Rating: 9 | Silent Hill 2 (Special 2 Disc Set) PS2
This was my first Silent Hill game and i couldn't get enough of it. The game has the right mix of scaryness and adventure to keep you coming back for more. Although some of the boss battles were over before they began and the monsters seemed to be less there on some areas. Pyramind Head will give you the battle you want to have when you face him multiple times throughout the game. At one point in the game you have to keep away from him and in another part he knocks you off the roof. The puzzles in the game could have been done a little better and you back track too much in my opinion but the game is still great. The coolest thing about the game is that you don't really have to play the first one to understand this game. Silent Hill 2 seems like an whole new game seperate from the first. It is a must buy.