In for a good scare?

User Rating: 9 | Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears XBOX
If you've ever played high-profile survival horror games such as Resident Evil, or the original Silent Hill, or any of the subsequent Silent Hill games, and found it to be enjoyable, then you may do very well to pick up a copy of one of the games that made xbox famous. The game follows the story of James Sunderland, an average guy who gets a cryptic letter from his dead wife, saying she'll be waiting in their honeymoon spot: the town of Silent Hill. He goes to investigate, and all of a sudden, monsters and creepy demons start appearing. but he's determined to find out if his wife is really there, waiting for him. and so he won't give up. The game, even though it's an early xbox game, released in '01, it's got really good graphics that even put some new games to shame. its gameplay is a-la resident evil, as in up is always forward, and so on and so forth. the game is very scary, not in its use of monsters, but its use of creepy camera angles, and the use of more psychological horror, like just plain scary stuff. the sounds really set this game apart, as well. distant footseps of a monster will send goosebumps up your spine. all in all, this is one fascinating game, that you may want to play through a couple of times, because there are a bunch of secrets, like the alien abduction ending, and there are a lot of great moments in this game that will leave you spellbound in horror and satisfaction.