Gamespot really made a mistake and underrated this game.

User Rating: 10 | Silent Hill 2 (Special 2 Disc Set) PS2
This is the first time where I am thoroughly disappointed with the review gamespot gave of a game. I don't think the reviewers took time to appreciate all the attention to detail in this game, the complexity of the storyline and the incredible soundtrack. This is one of my favorite games of all time. The whole game is like an experience more than a game and it truly scares the hell out of you. Not to mention, the replay value is amazing. There are so many alternate endings and weapons to unlock that are well worth playing through the game multiple times after. This game is atleast a 9.0 in my opinion and I'm saddened that gamespot didn't give this game a better review. I think if they had a reviewer who was a true fan of the survival horror genre, and spent more time paying attention to all the amazing detail in this game, they would have given it the review it deserved. Any true silent hill fan will tell you this is the best game in the series. Take a second look at this game gamespot, you'll see you underrated it severely. You shouldn't turn people off from an amazing game like this, it isn't fair. You guys need more experienced reviewers, you messed up. I'm entitled to my opinion of the job that you guys are doing. Your welcome to disagree, but look at how many silent hill fans there are out there and ask them what they think. There wouldn't be so many fans if this game werent that great. They wouldnt have kept making games and even a movie. Step it up gamespot.