An excellent sequel to Silent Hill the first. A good horror game and a very good definition on survival. Excellent game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears XBOX
The Good:
Interesting story-
Excellent environment-
A great many thrills and very scary-
Incredible main Antagonist-

The Bad:
Bad acting and wording-
Some of the story comes across very corny-
Maria is as annoying as hell...

Silent Hill 2 is a very grim and terrifying game. The story is very interesting and has it's share of surprises. You protagonist is a just an ordinary guy so therefor is no the best at combat. Making the game realistic in that way and gives you a good scenes of vulnerability and makes the game a true 'survival' game. The puzzles you come across are some of my favorite and really make you think.

Your character, James Sunderland, is haunted be a deep guilt. You find out at the end of the game. The creation of this guilt is a horrifying grim reaper known as the Pyramid head by most. This horrifying creature is the embodiment of James' guilt.

As good as the plot is the voice acting and wording is done very poorly and you often can't help but make fun of and laugh at the dialogue. James' voice is also very flat and often a plain mono tone. Not to mention that he is one of Silent Hill's more stupid inhabitants. Mind you he's still a very interesting protagonist.
Along with the bad acting you get a very annoying side character, Maria. What was intended for he was to create a character that would tempt James with a different life in contrast to him trying to find his wife. Think of Spider man and how he is often torn between his life as Spider-Man and his life as Peter Parker with Marry Jane. Sadly Konami only ended making someone who will make you cringe every time she talks. This could of been done well, but sadly did not.

As for game play Silent Hill does very well. The combat is intentionally clunky and difficult. This will often force you to either run or sneak past the various monsters. The difficulty is just right though so you wont be stuck for a ridiculously long time, but still provides a challenge.

There are also a good number of thrills and terrifying moments that will have you on edge through the whole game. The horror is especially focused on the psychological terror/horror. You will often here noises that you will be sure that are a monster that may or may not be there. The environment is also vary horrifying and grim. Though some of the monsters are rather a little bit much to the point you not the scared of them. One looks like a table with feet.

Bottom line Silent Hill is an excellent game and is worth the time and money.