User Rating: 8.1 | Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears XBOX
Silent Hill 2 Restless Dreams is one of the scariest games I have ever played. The Survival Horror franchises first started off with Alone in the Dark, but got put into life by Resident Evil. Resident Evil and The SILENT HILL SERIES are 2 of the top reasons why Survival Horrors are what they are. Scary and breaktaking. Silent Hill 2 Restless Dreams has awesome story and gameplay. This is very scary and has everything you would like or want in a survival horror game. The gameplay is great, you go around figuring out piece by piece what is going on and if there are any people. Of course there is a lot more i wish not to disturb for you to figure out. The graphics are pretty good, although not up to Resident Evil for Gamecubes or Resident Evil 0 but they are descent. The sound is chilling. You will want a good sound system if you want to be scared in this game. The Value to this game is good, not too much replay value like bonus games or anything but its still fun to play over again. Overall this is an outstanding game SUPERB. This game deserves an 8.1/10 GREAT -Justin