As if Civilization III wasn't good enough, they just had to add the icing to the cake.

User Rating: 8.7 | Civilization III: Conquests PC
Civilization games have always been great turn based strategy experiences, No matter which itteration, Civilization games have stood the test of time, just like they ask you to do. We had to wait almost a decade for Civilizaiton 3, if you dont include the Call to Power games, and it was worth it - Sid popped out another excellently unrivaled strategy game. Honestly, it does take a good while to learn the gameplay, especially if you havnt played an eariler Civ game, but once you get the hang of it - and you can tolerate the slow pace - it begins to really shine. Civ 3 is one of those games where you say, "just 5 more minutes" and the next time you look at your watch several hours have gone by. Civ 3 is one of those games with lots of micromanagement. You have to develop cities and expand your culture influence, while keeping people happy. This means building special buildings within your cities, building more cities, making colonies to import fine wines and other resources, and occasionally changing the jobs of the people in the towns. Along with that, you also need to keep developing new technologies, armies, and diplomatic arangements with other nations. Obviously, this can take up a lot of time and energy, but somehow its fun too. The micromanagement also doesnt seem to be too deep that it agrivates you as in some games. Your really only given a few slider bars to deal with, and maybe a dozen or so indicators and toggle type decisions that are necessary to play the game. The diplomacy sometimes seems a little buggy to me, but then again it might be because its trying to be realistic. What i mean, is they seem to switch sides in a hearbeat; for instance, you and russia have been trading resources and technologies for most of he game, and you are attacked by germany. suddenly, russia teams up with germany and begins to attack you. You would think this would be much less likely, given the good terms you were on, but thats not so in this game. Luckily, that is the only problem i could think of. I could probably go on for hours about how great the game is, but i wont bore you - If you dont have it, go get it. And check out the mod community if you do have it, they have several excellent mods like "Double Your Pleasure" that expand the game by leaps and bounds. (and considering how large of a game Civ 3 is to begin with, thats incredible)