The pinnacle of JRPG and RPG games with excellent combat, flawless artistic design, amazing story, and loads of personas

User Rating: 9.5 | Persona 4 PS2
in all my life playing RPG games, this is obviously the best one i have ever played. this game took me by surprise in many occations with its story, the combat requires you to think other then pressing "Attack" all the time. the artistic design on characters, persona's and shadows are simply flawless. and experimenting with fusion is fun and rewarding. i have spent a good 132 HOURS with this and crazy enough, im still playing it. ill put my review in sections like this:

Gameplay : 9/10 the traditional turn based RPG for this series is enhanced with the option of direct commands and guarding. this employs more strategy in the combat. dungeon crawling is a bit tedious and repetitive, but still the random encounters give good rewards. so its worth i. The fusion system is STILL good, there is a lot of variety in the persona's and fusing them is a lot of fun and rewarding. the feeling is amazing when you get a really good persona

Story: 10/10 Seriously. the story is just AMAZING and i dont think that's enough to put it. it put me on edge the entire time thinking about one thing then suddenly another unexpected thing came up. basicly put. its surprising, reassuring, and disheartening at the same time. and considering the stories in the Social Links are awesome as well, I LOVE IT

Graphics: 8/10 im not much of a graphics guy, but i know some of u are so ill review this too. i know some reviews have said this but the graphics are just above average. the beatiful artistic design helps spike this rating up to 8, but overall graphics without the artistic design. to me its just a 6.5 (above average)

Soundtrack: 9.5/10 The Music in this game are excellent. especially the boss battle soundtrack and the ending. the random battle soundtrack are all the same but its still good to hear it. while not exploring the dungeons. there are some very good music in the normal world as well. music changes with the atmosphere accordingly while in a conversation. and that is just downright excellent

Overall: 9.5 as i said, im not a graphics guy so i wont let that clooud my overall rating for this game. its simply the best RPG and JRPG that i have ever played in my life. excellent gameplay, EPIC STORY, and amazing music. i really recommend that you guys buy this game because as i wrote in my review, it is THE BEST RPG i have ever played, and it might probably be so for you as well. just buy this if you dont have it, you wont regret it :D