The game is awesome! When I first bought this game I thought it was going to be boring. Wrong!

User Rating: 9.5 | Persona 3 Portable PSP
The game is awesome! When I first bought this game I thought it was going to be boring. Wrong!
When you first play you get the option to choose a boy or girl. I chose a boy then a girl later.
In this game you start as a high school student who came in a town in Japan. To find things are weird once the clock get to midnight. Time stops and weird monsters feeding on the minds of people. It's up to you and the rest of S.E.E.S to stop these monsters. This game isn't like any R.P.G where you just lv up and fight monsters. Nope, you got many things to do like dating people to strengthen the monsters you equip, doing quest on specific dates to get rare items and clothes. Persona 3 potable has a great story line, which tells you about the struggles of the each character and how they grow to be more mature due to your influence. Trust me this game is a must have. If you fell hesitant to buy this game trust me don't be its crazy. I spent a 100 hours on this game without realizing it.
If you love R.P.Gs you'll love this game.