The first and last SMT persona game I'll ever play.........

User Rating: 6.5 | Persona 3 Portable PSP
Persona 3 portable is a great game for the psp system. Although it is the first smt persona game I've ever played, I have also enjoyed the game till the very last moment. Great story, fun gameplay, though you have to move with a circle on pictures and can't really see any movement, but still it holds up high expectations.
About the gameplay, it starts with a scene where normal people become stuffed inside coffines unconcious after dark known as the 'dark hour' and only a few people including you are awake and as usual, with a gun in hand to shoot at yourself to bring out a power callled persona, and your local school becomes something called 'Tarturus' as the dark hour begins. The people that are alive/awake
(I can't really express the state) use persona to fight shadows at that time which is summoned by shooting at yourself.
Then in the morning, everything returns back to normal and you go to school and enjoy everyday life.
The story is huge, and many things happens within (which I am not recalling at the moment).
Anyways, now lets move on to the part what bugs 'me' a hell lot. After playing for hours, playing to the end of the game, without even going through all the features and waiting till the game ends, at the end, the game restarts and tells you to start a new beginning. Wow, now thats what people call an 8.5or 10 and reached the top. Your welcome Atlus co. for wasting my time.