One of the Greatest Games To-Date for the PSP. Period.

User Rating: 10 | Persona 3 Portable PSP
Okay I was iffy, chugging 40$ for this game at first and when I started playing it, it didn't really click for the first 10-30 minutes (that's not to say it sucked, I just wasn't use to playing a game with this style of moving and so on).

After about 20 minutes or so though I got really into it and couldn't put it down. The graphics are amazing for the PSP System. The Character Art is great as well and doesn't just stay on a single facial expression through the conversations with the NPCs/PCs. Which is nice, it changes from how the conversation is going, sad, happy, moody ect...

The Good:

Storyline is superb - happy, sad, dark, twisted, engaging and.... Just Perfect.

Graphics, like I said are amazing. Near Perfect if not perfect voice acting through pretty much the whole game.

The Social Links/System is pretty neat and original (to me atleast). You choose what you want to do pretty much, try and get a girlfriend (haha). Who you hang out with, if you want to hang out with them, if you should study or do something else (to increase academics, charm, courage)...

The Persona's are also pretty neat, combine them and make a different Persona or find one you like and stick to it if you want.

The Bad:

Voice Acting can get on your nerves a little itty bit but that's only if your in a rush or something but you can always skip it (you don't have to hear the voice acting, you can just read the dialog and when you're done hit 'X'). Haha I'm justifying the bads now...

Some Grind. Not really bad, it doesn't force you to grind but you have to do it to fight the 'Boss' Shadows, can't be a weak punk now, can you?

Overall: Buy the Game, Play it, Love it.