I am a big fan of this series and I must say that the choice to be a Female was a deciding factor in spending my money..

User Rating: 10 | Persona 3 Portable PSP
I own all of the other Persona's out there. But this version has made me lose sleep and that's because I finally get to pick my gender! I get to be a girl for a change...And other than The Harvest Moon series where again you have a choice, I think it's the only other one that lets you choose. If I'm wrong then so be it. It doesn't change how I feel about this game.

I am playing as the female and the storyline alone is so different that I found myself a bit confused at first, Then I got over it and moved on.
The game itself hasn't changed much, you still have persona's and you have the same core people as your back up. What has changed is now you can get part time jobs just like in Persona 4, and you can now try to get a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. The Police station is open all the time and that makes a huge difference later on in the game. I have found so many new and exciting changes that I not sorry that I paid full price for a game I already have on a different system. I recommend this game to all of those out there like me..Who wanted a change in the main character and a chance to BE different and have all of the benefits that go along with it.