One of the best RPGs now on handheld with tons of new features that really improve the game

User Rating: 9.5 | Persona 3 Portable PSP
For a long time now I have considered Persona 3 one of my all-time favorite games, so when I first heard about the remake, I was very excited to say the least. Please note that this review may contain spoilers related to the plot, so if you have not beaten any version of the game, I would recommend not reading this review.

First of all, I was really happy that they made it so that you can play as a female character. I have been wishing that they'd eventually have that in these games, as I am a female gamer. I am hoping that they will continue to make female main characters in future Persona games.

I think making this game portable was an excellent idea, as there is tons of grinding. It makes it a lot less tedious when you can do something else while grinding instead of just sitting in front of the TV.

There are many features added to this game that really improve on the replayability. For one, you get a lot of new social links as the female protagonist. I really liked the fact that you could have social links with Shinjiro and Ryoji. They also have different music in a lot of areas if you play as the female.

You can now control all of your party members, like they had in Persona 4. No more getting angry while the AI casts "Marin Karin" at the worst times.

The game now has a navigation cursor that you use instead of walking around the areas (other than Tartarus, which is pretty much the same as the original). I prefer walking around, although I admit that this did make things a lot faster.

All of the AMVs from the original Persona 3 are either cut or not in this game at all. This is a shame considering how amazing a lot of them are. It's obvious that they did this so that they wouldn't have to remake the entire AMVs for the female protagonist, but I still dislike that they are gone.

The story and the characters are the same, so I don't think I need to elaborate on this.

All in all, this game is what I would consider a must-have for any PSP owner. Whether you are new to the series, or you just want to replay Persona 3, this game is definitely worth getting.