persona 3 portable review

User Rating: 8.5 | Persona 3 Portable PSP
well,i played all the other persona's games,3,4,and FES.And i recently get my hands to this title.

The story are based on persona 3,but this time you get to play as a female character.although,you wont get to play "the answer",like in FES.truthfully,i dont sense any changes to the storyline to still feels like im using MC all the time.well according to the fact that junpei still regularly call you "s'up dude" and that.but the social links story are changing a little,to suit your gender.there also innovations from FES that brought to P3,like its battle system.

one thing i miss from the old persona is the 3d characters that,its only 2d cursor that moves you,so its kinda feel artificial,but you'll get used to it.

the soundtracks also features new additions to the songs,which is nice.

the exploring of tartarus still remains the same.but maybe over time you will get kinda bored with exploring the same type of dungeon.i mean in persona 4,the dungeons is different all the time.well,if you like exploring the depths of tartarus,you should be fine.

well,i think this is a pretty good game,and its really addictive.and i hope they can also make persona 4 portable in the future.

good=fluid battle systems,nice graphics,and a lot of content
bad=i miss the 3d sprites of the original game

persona fans with psp should definitely get this title.also,new gamers alike.