Better Than Final Fantasy. This game has a very complex... while sometimes macabre storyline, and very difficult puzzles

User Rating: 10 | Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga PS2
I can't call this game bad... AT ALL. The Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne was the first good RPG I'd played in forever. Then mine got scratched... And at that point it was avaiable nowhere. While I still enjoy the mysterious style of Nocturne more, this game is better overall, and while Nocturne did some things more than perfect, DDS did everything perfect. We have guns, demons, gore, army, puzzles, CATS, action, adventure, romance, and confusion, all in a Turn-Based RPG. It has great cell shading, good music, that, no matter how much you hear it, seems more mezmorizing than annoying (except for the dang swirly noise when you start a battle). This game really made you feel on edge. At some point in the game, the enemies got so good, if you didn't flee, you would have a high chance of a 1 turn KO in any battle (mostly in the Karma Tower, Sasrara (love those names)) which really made it fun. It had the best storyline in a while of games, and I think the SMT series will continue my favorites for some time. This game, while hard as heck, was enjoyable, and, at least for my skill level, was perfect.