A great RPG with a wierd storyline and interesting characters.

User Rating: 9.5 | Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga PS2
When this game came out I knew I had to get it. I played Nocturne, which is to date my favorite RPG, and bought this the first chance I got. I'm glad I did. The game blew my mind with its story, battle system, and graphics. Although it wasn't a perfect game, or as good as Nocturne for that matter, it quickly became the best RPG in my collection.

This game is not for everyone; the story itself can tell you that. It has canabalism, mouths for breasts, and a lot of death. The story is strange for lack of a better word. It also doesn't fill you in on all the detail because nobody in the first game can answer them, but they can in the second game (this could either be a good marketing technique or a very good story). You constantly see people and don't know where they are from. At the end of the game you are satisfied and hungry for answers at the same time.

If you haven't played Nocturne this game may seem pretty hard. It has a high encounter rate, and your characters have weaknesses your enemies can exploit. The skill learning system is very well put together (don't believe them when they say it's a clone of FFX's Sphere Grid System) and gives you something to do when you don't feel like going through the story for a while. You also have a battle system in which all your characters share on turn that is split into 3 parts (each character takes an action every part). You can get more parts by exploiting weaknesses and performing criticals, but remember your enemies can do the same to you.

I love the graphics of the game. The are cel-shaded, but they are still really dark looking. Character designs are also really cool, or at least most of them. Enemies range from the really cool looking to the really stupid looking.

In conclusion, this game is amazing. The battle mechanics are top notch. The story is both interesting and deep. The characters look great as well. This game is worth buy for any RPG fan.