Simply an amazing SMT spin-off that would be perfect if not for some minor faults.

User Rating: 9 | Megami Ibunroku: Devil Survivor DS
Upon discovery of Devil Survivor's Japanese release very early this year, I became very excited with the fact that ATLUS was releasing an SMT game on the DS. Five months later I purchased my English copy and could not put it down.

[ + ] The storyline from the very beginning is well-written and is the main reason you might develop a case of insomnia. You will always wonder what will happen next, all the way to the end. It FEELS like you're really in the middle of a disaster where death is just around the corner.

[ + ] The gameplay is addicting as well. ATLUS has done a swell job on combining the elements of strategy and role-playing games to create a new experience that is fun. Battle length is just right.

[ + ] Devil Survivor's soundtrack is very catchy and helps to set a disturbing atmosphere, which brings the story to life.

[ + ] There are also many demons in Devil Survivor that have not appeared in the PS2 titles. This is a plus since some people get tired of using the same demons game after game, and demons from older games are introduced to new fans.

[ + ] Some battles and bosses late in the game were very tough in the first playthrough. This forces the player to create an effective strategy instead of blasting through everything in one shot.

[ + ] New game + bonuses are awesome. The removal of an exp. penalty for defeating lower level foes definitely increases the replay value, as well as keeping all of the demons you had at the end of the game.

[ - ] There were a couple things about this game that did bother me, however. Most SMT games include around 200 demons, while Devil Survivor only has about 120. This is because many high level demons have been left out, with only 3 above level 70. This may not have been such a problem if some of the Bel gods were fusable.

[ - ] Devil Survivor lacked a true "compendium", so it was not possible for the player to read about a demon's origin if one needed a break from gameplay.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor is a great game for ATLUS to introduce the series to the DS system. A dark, interesting storyline, a moody & awesome soundtrack, fun gameplay, and realistic characters makes Devil Survivor a recipe that ended in success, despite a few missing features. Any annoyances that pop up with this game will be overpowered by its accomplishments. For anyone who enjoys a great story and strategy / rpg genres, this game is highly recommended to you.