I love and hate this game, but won't stop playing it.

User Rating: 8 | Megami Ibunroku: Devil Survivor DS
SMT: DS is the first SMT game I've ever played, and sincerely hope that the others will be better.

This game is so full of stuff which actually can't make it a game I'd like, but still it is really addicting and the fact you have different endings makes it more good than bad.

But what is it what i don't like about this game?

The first thing that come in my mind are the characters.
Most of them are soooooo annoying especially that one stupid piece of **** girl called dolly.
Why, by all means, is she such a stupid ****

Well but I'll go further in that later.

So what is SMT: DS?

Story: You are some Japanese 17 year old dude, and you meet with your friends because your cousin want to give you something important.
You get something that looks like a DS and receive Emails every day which predict the future and tell you about demons taking over a part in Tokyo.
You and your friends are caged in that circle and try to get out of it.
You get the ability to summon demons and even fight them by your own.

Well not really original but there is one thing i really liked about the whole lockdown story: You are able to see the day of death of every single person in the lockdown. That's pretty cool imo.

What i didn't like about the story, are it's christian roots, I'm soooo atheistic i couldn't deal with all the christian bull****, like the tower of babel and gods ordeal and the garden of Eden and more crap like that.
I would have been so much cooler if there was a better cause for demons and all that **** than christian mythology.

Anyways... You are a so called Demon Tamer (it's like a pokemon trainer) and that is really cool and the addicting part of the game because you can buy new demons and Fuse them to create new demons or even uniques. But to talk about Dolly again.
She is that one girl you meet inside the lockdown, who is cosplaying some Manga character, and she is really into that manga**** and her behave is so annoying.
You save her from demons but than she become a demon tamer by herself and things she is sailormoon or whatever and tries to fight evil with her new demons, but she is so bad that you have to rescue her over 9000 times and she won't stop acting like a superhero, and i was like **** her let her die i don't care BUT YOU HAVE TO SAVE THAT **** ARRRRRRRGGHHHHHH.

Well and after finishing the game for the first time i was sooo disappointed with the ending really...

But the good thing is you can play it again, with your OLD awesome level 50 demons, this is so cool every demon you'll face the second time you play it is just a **** compared to you. and it makes the game so much easier, srly the first time you play that game you will **** up one fighter after another and get really frustrated, but the second time it's like fighting 3 years old.

Well the Graphics are okay,some nice 2d maps and the characters look cool, but nothing special at all.

Sound is okay some jpop music and jrock, if you like that stuff you'll probably like the music in that game, i don't like j-music so i wasn't a fan of the ost.

Gameplay is pretty cool though, you have a mixture of a tactical battlesystem and a classic turn based frontal battle.
And you have a lot of abilities, which makes the game really tactical you have to figure out the best teams and demon combinations and skills you'll use, it's a lot of fun.

The replay value is huge because of 6 different endings depending on what character you chose to trust in.

After all this game deserves an 8/10 due to it's addicting gameplay and collecting of demons and different endings, but it's just a 4/10 due to it's characters (some characters are okay even nice, but most suck hairy balls).

Still a good DS game, and i sincerely hope that Persona 3/4 are much better, because i really want to play them this year.