great game , one of the best ever you should get it or watch it on youtube.

User Rating: 9 | Shenmue II XBOX
great game one of my top 5 tops ever i love this game the story is so f'ng great you almost feel like your in it and i hope they make a movie. if you have not played it i feel sorry for you and if you didn't like it go play mw2 or Pokemon phaggot. i really of they end the story so they cant leave the fan hanging for to long it would be perfect for the ps3 if they ever get a chance to make it
voice acting sucked bad but are epic i hope to see Ryo in more game like sonic racing but i hope its a fighting game and it look like i didn't type enough so for the review so i am just going to do that right now like i am doing to fill it out so i can post the review because it great and i love this game and i hope this is enough now mostly likely so like me keep going and done.... what its not done yet wow! i why do we have to post so much ? its crazy