A masterful sequel that continues the journey...

User Rating: 10 | Shenmue II XBOX
The first Shenmue was probably the best game that ever came of the late Dreamcast. Now Shenmue 2 continues Yu Sazuki's beautiful story on the Xbox. Now, you can tell that these are Dreamcast graphics but I say they are still really good for a 2002 title. Even the smallest detail is not left untouched. You are Ryo Hazuki once again, now in Hong Kong searching for the man who murdered your father. The gameplay involves searching for clues, making new discoveries, many trials and of course, hardcore martial arts fights. Ryo travels to many locations on his journey from Kowloon to Guilin. I swear, when your playing this game you'll actually "FEEL" like your in the lost walled city of Kowloon or the bust streets of Hong Kong. It is amazing how immersive this game can be. The voice acting has luckily stepped up a notch for the sequel but its still not the best. Ren in particular is a very memorable new character. Point is, if you loved the first Shenmue, you'll undoubtablely love the sequel. Or if your a big fan of both asian culture/kung fu movies and video games, then this is the game for you. Enjoy the journey.