Makes you reminisce of the golden days of gaming...80's beat 'em up. Brillant.

User Rating: 9 | Shank X360
This game brings back 'ol so good memories. You and a friend would join forces to punch, kick and grab someone and beat them like they stole something. You would do that for countless hours until it was time to leave and go home...or your calluses on your hands finally ruptured. Regardless, you had fun and that is exactly what Shank does. I don't know how else to describe this game, but FUN!!!
So I'll give you a quick overall view of the game. You play Shank, which you use shanks to melee your enemies into oblivion. Also at your disposal is pistols(long range) and chainshaw(heavy). There are other goodies to unlock throughout the game in which can cycle through during the action or set up as default in the menu screen. You also have the ability to block and grab enemies, which is essential in any beat 'em up game. The gameplay mechanics are well done( yes, I know it is a button masher, but others are not as responsive as Shank).
The story is actually good. You get your typical run of the mill revenge quest and it is told through cutscene in between levels and at times during the action.
The graphics are superb. If you seen Samurai Jack, Star Wars Attack of the Clones( the first one to air on Cartoon Network before Revenge of the Sith hit theatres) you know why I say superb. The bigger the size HDTV you have, the better experience you have of the visuals.
The only gripe I have with the game is once you play on hard. If you die, you have to start of the beginning of the level. I don't have a problem with that, what I have a problem with is sometimes the A.I is cheap and will kill you within seconds and othertimes you have your way with them. All I ask is for consistency. I don't know if I'm that good or do I suck donkey balls at any given moment of combat.
Overall I give this game a 9.