Unique and Beautiful, yet surprisingly frustrating.

User Rating: 7 | Shank PS3
Shank is one of the coolest looking games I have seen in awhile, with combat that is quite fun....for the first hour. Don't get me wrong they did a good job on the combat, but after the first hour (and for some during it) the combat gets frustrating and very difficult and dodgy. In terms of fighting in the co-op it's the same thing but is more frustrating to me because it is very easy to lose track of which person is you. This happens for 2 reasons, 1.The two playable characters look quite similar, and 2. Often times you are crowded by enemies and can barely see your character. Now moving away from the combat, in my opinion the story and back story for the co-op are both relatively decent. The single-player story involves only Shank, who is a former gang member who seeks out to get revenge on his former gang, who have murdered his wife. Whereas the co-op storyline features Shank and his friend, Falcone. This campaign acts as a prelude to the single-player story where you find out about Shanks past and find out why everything in the single-player campaign, happened. If your a hardcore side-scrolling brawler fan you should pick this up because it is fun if you can get a hang of the awkward attack animations, but as for you people who aren't that big of fans should just let this game because this game definitely was not made for everyone.