Like playing one of the worlds bloodiest comic books.

User Rating: 8.5 | Shank X360
Right when you start up this game you realize that this is one of darkest and bloodiest downloadable games you will ever play on your console.

The visual styling is gripping and engrossing it's like staring into a frank miller comic book and just as dark and gritty as one also.

The game play is repetitive but also doesn't let you down.

Mainly you will be working with one of 3 different guns from dual pistols, a shotgun and an uzi and several melee weapons that you can swap on the fly all while you wield your trusty shanks in each hand.

Not much to the story but what is there is entertaining and will keep you playing to find out what happens next if all of the endless bloodshed doesn't keep you gripped.

The soundtrack is one of the best I have heard in a long time also.

This is one that is definitely worth picking up if you are a fan of hack and slash blood drenched action games that is replayable for hours.