Shadowrun. Best Game Ever?

User Rating: 10 | Shadowrun X360
This game was by far my favorite game on the 360 to date. Forgetting that there was not a single player campaign in this game is was still worth buying. What this game did right it did better than any other game in its class. I had three friends that I played this game with a lot and we all had different ideas to what made a good combination of magic and weapons, and it wasn't just us. Everything was so even in this game that everyone had a chance to always be on the winning team, sadly all could not. The only downfall I found this game to have was that for a multiplayer game only it only had 12 maps. It should have had more than that. And its too bad that the studio went out of business because for the people playing this game we were hoping for some downloads that just never came. With that said it is easily a 10 in my book.