This is the game for people looking for a good multiplayer game. The game is highly addictive, and great fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Shadowrun X360
First things first... The game was released in 2007, but it is still a lot of people still playing this game.
You will be hooked up to a game in under minutes.
This game is for those with Xbox Live. If you don't have Xbox Live, this is not a game for you.

What is dragging this game down is the lack of a single player mode, lack of gaming types in the multiplayer part, and the cheap graphics.
But that doesn't really matter when the online part is so great.
The game is like a mix-up between Counter Strike, and World Of Warcraft.

You are fighting in teams like in CS, but the main difference is that you can choose a race to play, and you also have magic and other tech to use, on top of the weapons.
That change the gamestyle a whole lot.
Every race got some weak, and strong points.
And you will find out which race is your favorite pretty quickly.

This game is fantastic if you want to team up with a couple of friends and have a good time.
The problem here, is that you can't play more than one person on your Xbox.
This is a frustrating problem.
But you will soon enough find someone to team up with in this game.

The only mode you got in the multiplayer is different variations of the "Capture the flag" mode.
This is really not a problem, because this is challenging enough.
Though it should been a couple of more modes to choose between.
The maps is awesome, and just big enough for a game like this.
Some maps you even get in smaller versions.
And you have to find out different tactics to use in each of these maps.

All in all I say this is a game that will grow on you, and once you get the hung of this, you will get the Shadowrun fever.
I recommend to go out and buy this game.
You can find it everywhere, really cheap.