STOMPS every Xbox 360 online games out of the competition.

User Rating: 10 | Shadowrun X360
Shadowrun is amazing. It's not the RPG game, but it's innovative and well designed. This game is made for competitive players and those who love online gaming.

The gameplay doesn't play like most FPS games. It uses the Counter-Strike buy menu and you can buy weapons, spells, and techs. The spells and techs really make the gameplay different and unique. You can teleport while running and gunning, flying in the air and sword fighting at the same time, or gusting someone and shooting your opponent while he could barely aim. The weapons are very standard. The spells are familar if you play a lot of RPG games, but it's very rare to use them in a FPS game. There are some interesting tech. You could see through walls, increase your accuracy, fly in the air and more. You have the selection to choose 4 races: Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Troll. Each have their own drawback and strength. Shadowrun is also balanced in everything. There's really no need to complain about cheapness.

The graphics aren't the best. It's solid. I find the spells to be very colorful though.

The sounds are perfect. They feel right for the guns, spells, tech, and the voice acting by your teammates too. There's really not much to say.

The game has no campaign, but nowadays people like to play online games-especially FPS games.

This game is like $10-20 bucks and there's a good amount of people that still plays it! You'll find a game in less than a minute. This easily the best Xbox 360 game has to offer when it comes to online gameplay and balance. This game is made to have a lot of enjoyability and you'll see your self thinking about the good times in one year.