Half of what could have been a great game but you certainly get what you pay for.

User Rating: 7.5 | Shadowrun X360
Shadowrun is an interesting genre of fantasy/fps based in Brazil around the year 2300, man kind have evolved into four races, humans, trolls, elves and dwarfs.

First of all, this game has no campaign or story mode mode, so if you don't have live all you can play is matches against bots using about 16 maps, which is still pretty fun, but I'll talk more about that later.

As for the online it's similar to one player, except against other real players, not bots.
There's also no splitscreen features..

So, in the actual gameplay you start of with a certahttp://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/shadowrun/post_review.html?tag=scoresummary;post-reviewin amount of money and you have a choice of weapons, techs and magicks, there are 2 teams, lineage and RNA (bassically blue and red)
Your given a few seconds to buy all you want and then the match begins, the main aim in most games is to collect the 'artifact' which is wanted by both teams.

There are loads of spells to choose from, these include ressurect (ressurects ally) tree of life, gust, smoke (turns you into smoke making you invincible for a few seconds) and a few more, all these have there own purpose and way to be used.. some of them can be really fun to use, such as teleport (teleport 8 metres in the direction your facing, even through walls) but some can be a bit less exciting to use.

There's also a choice of weapons which includes SMG, rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle, katana, rocket launcher and minigun.
Techs are rather different, you have gliders (glide you) enhanced vision (see through walls) and many more, it's hard to remember all of them!

Your race also effects how you play, humans are well balanced, trolls are high on hp but slow in attacking, elves are quick but weak, they also recover their own hp, dwarfs are fast and strong.
Most people online play as elves.

I have had much fun playing with bots and online, I highly reccomend it, but again, I went away feeling without a campaign or story mode and only around 15 maps to play with it was incomplete.

Graphics are obviously as expected for a next gen game, most textures are secure and smooth, animations are great to especially blood on the walls xD

There isn't much music, only on the title screen there's a little techno sci fi kinda theme tune, but thats about it.
As for vocals.. well you get this robot woman voice telling you whats going on in battle, this can get annoying but sometimes it helps you out a bit.. for example it says: 2 enemy trolls running to base with artifact- then this obviously alerts you to leg it to the enemy base before they reach it and score.

I reccomend shadowrun to anyone even though it feels incomplete, it's especially cheap now so grab it while you can.
Thanks for reading, goodbye!