Another great yet underplayed game...

User Rating: 8.5 | Shadowrun X360
Shadowrun is a revolutionary FPS experience combining magic and other abilities with cooldown styles close to that of most present day rpg games. Shadowrun is a MULTIPLAYER ONLY game. The traditional FPS gameplay side works like Valve's Counter-Strike series in which at the start of each round u have only one life and must spend money in order to get the equipment you need. The magic and tech is also bought at this time. You can purchase spells like Resurrect which allows you to bring back a fallen team-mate provided his body is still in one piece. Tech abilities include things like the Glider which lets u move upwards into the air then float slowly back down to the ground. Players being able to use both FPS playstyles with magic is a truly fun experience. Running at an enemy with a Katana then as he is shooting you teleport through him just to stab him in the back is great. Fasa Studios is closed though so do not expect DLC but if you are someone who has yet to play this great game you should head out and pick up a copy or try the demo first on Xbox LIVE.