This isn't Shadowrun how you remember it buts it's still worth a look

User Rating: 7 | Shadowrun X360
Shadowrun is an online only shooter based on an RPG. Initial impression is that this wouldn't stand much chance of success but thankfully this negatively can be put to rest; Shadowrun as a FPS is a success.

The game pits two teams against each other; the RNA and the Lineage. As both sides play identically the difference in teams is really quite superficial. Let me just put this out there – this game has excellent balance. It employs a fantastic 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' method which is almost perfect.

The game uses a combination of magic and guns. Many of the spells are actually inspired by other game glitches such as the teleport which allows you to clip through walls and the smoke which temporarily makes you invulnerable.

As previously mentioned, everything has a counter; smoke can be broken with gust and teleport can be stopped with anti magic grenades. This is a small example but rest assured the tactics have been well thought out.

Four classes are available to you. The human, all rounder; the elf, most nimble; the troll, meat shield and the dwarf, spellcaster. Each class serves their purpose well and each is useful. The elf is the favourite online as he can regain health (where the others rely on a spell); this is offset by the fact that he also has the least health and is easiest killed in a head on shootout.

Graphics are solid if somewhat uninspired, characters models don't look the best but spell effects are a highlight. A good variety of gun sounds and a 'Halo' style announcer round out the sound package nicely.

At £40 Shadowrun had a difficult time justifying its price tag with no campaign and only 6 maps (not counting variants). At its current lower price it's a steal. Unless you're incapable of winning without some cheap weapon then you'll find plenty to like in Shadowrun.